The Ten Girls Who Used Their Talents-Anne Lawson


Once there was a girl named Anne Lawson.She lived with her parents, Mum Lawson and Dad Lawson.She had a farm and a baby sheep.She used to play with the baby sheep in the farm.Everyone would ask her that:what she wanted to become when she grew up?She normally used to ignore that question.Then after some years it was time for her to go to school.Then after that her parents sold their farm and put Anne Lawson in a boarding school.This is a big change in a girl's life.After some days her friend asked some questions to her about her old school.Then again her friend asked her the same question that:what she wanted to become when she grew up?

Now she really needed to think about that.Then after a few days she told her friend that she wanted to become a vet.Then after many years she went to study about veterinary doctors and did not follow Jesus Christ anymore.Soon she felt bored being a veterinary doctor.So, she started studying about metals.Soon she went to team in which there were four members,two were Christians and two were non-Christians.

Soon one of her Christian friend from her team called her to her wedding ceremony.Then the couple asked Anne Lawson that was she a Christian now Anne Lawson said no.Then the couple took her to a room in their own ceremony and talked to her about the Bible.When they came out Anne Lawson became a Christian!Then after that she saw that a flight required a metal engineer and air hostess in Texas.Then Anne Lawson studied about air hostess.Then she went to Texas and when she was serving a customer,The customer in the plane asked her to tell about Jesus Christ and she told about Jesus Christ.The next day she got encouraged to tell about Jesus Christ to everyone!


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