The Greedy Fox

 Long ago,there lived a fox who was very greedy.He used to steal things from others and tell that it was his.One day his friends thought to teach him a lesson.So they told everyone to buy something expensive.The next day they all boasted about their expensive things in front of the fox,so he became greedy and he thought that"I will sell everything what I have and then with that money , I will buy all those expensive things that my friends have already got".So he sold all his things what he had.Then he went to the shop and told the shopkeeper that"Show me all the expensive things",so the shop keeper showed and the fox gave the money which he had but the shopkeeper gave him only five of the expensive things and he told that"with this much money I can only give you five of the expensive things"he told.So the fox returned sadly home because he did not have anything to eat or a bed to sleep nor he had water to drink.When he realized his mistake it was too late his friends did not agree to help him because whatever he had stole from them he had sold all those things and he died due to hunger.

Moral:Never be greedy like the fox,be happy with all you have or else one day you will loose everything you have.


  1. Replies
    1. Dear Priyansha, I am so happy to see your first blog. The story of the "Greedy Fox" is really an excellent one. It has a curious beginning, a good build-up and a befitting ending and while doing so, you could maintain the tempo of the story. Because of this story is very interesting. The moral of the story is therefore appropriate. Greed, Priyansha, is such an attitude which does not want to share, but only loves to accumulate and accumulate being very selfish. Wise King Solomon said," The greedy stir up conflict, but those who trust in the Lord will prosper". God bless you to learn godly values. Keep it up and keep writing. AJAA & AYEE

    2. Thank you, I will write more stories and post it.


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