The Ten Girls Who Used Their Talents- Selina, Countess Of Huntingdon


Long ago there was a girl named Selina. She lived with her older sister and her father. Selina didn't knew about her grandfather. So one day as Selina was walking around the farm with her father she asked him "Who is my grandfather?" Her father told her very little about her grandfather with a heavy heart. Then after a few months she saw a girl of her own age died and was off to bury.After that day Selina went near the girl's body spend some time near it and go.At 1717 when Selina was 10 years old her grandfather died.Her grandfather had left some money for his children. After her father and the other people had finished attending the funeral. Her father went to take the money left by Selina's grandfather. When her father saw it was only 20 pounds! Her father became very angry and he made a court case. Selina also got angry because she always thought money is not important. Suddenly Selina's life got busy because she got to know people who she could support and pray. After few years she got even more busier because she had a baby son and the next year she got married. Suddenly one day she asked her husband " I want to buy some Bibles and Prayer books to distribute when I am visiting". Then she got it and started distributing.Then in 1729 she sent 10 pounds to the society for the propagation of Christian knowledge. That was a quite large sum of money then. Although  Selina tried to please the Lord by doing good work, she was not a christian lady. She had never truly confessed her sins nor asked Jesus to be her Saviour. It was in late 1730's that she first heard the Bible really being preached, and it wasn't until 1739, when her sister-in-law was converted, that she saw a difference Jesus could make. Selina's cook lady Margaret preached about Jesus Christ to Selina and her husband Theophilus and after lady Margaret had preached Selina and her husband Theophilus, they became Christians. What people thought didn't stop Selina from doing what she believed right. Selina had also opened her own college. That was how Trevecca college in South Wales had started. Selina died in 1790.


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